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Announcing GoReleaser v2.1

Winter is here (in the South America)! Let's see whats new!


  • new: before publish hooks (only on pro)
  • new: cloudsmith publisher (only on pro)
  • new: global metadata (only on pro)
  • new: templated_extra_files support in artifactory and http publishers (only on pro)
  • new: allow to upload only the extra_files in the blob publisher
  • archives: support for the tar.zst archiving format
  • archives: --skip=archive
  • build: support GOCACHEPROG
  • nfpm: support for the ipk package format
  • nfpm: build packages for termux
  • notary: allow to sign macOS binaries without notarizing them
  • github: better handle discussion creation, drafts, etc
  • gitlab: better handle CI_JOB_TOKEN and unavailable APIs
  • changelog: respect longer abbrev
  • snapcraft: better handle concurrent builds
  • docs: improved home and install pages

As always, bug fixes, dependency updates, housekeeping, and documentation updates are included in this release as well.

Other news

  • GoReleaser now has ~13.4k stars and 396 contributors! Thanks, everyone!
  • We eventually discuss new features in our Discord server.  Join the conversation!
  • nFPM had new releases as well,  check it out.


You can install or upgrade using your favorite package manager, or see the full release notes and download the pre-compiled binaries here and here (for Pro).

Helping out

You can help by reporting issues, contributing features, documentation improvements, and bug fixes. You can also sponsor the project, or get a GoReleaser Pro licence.